I got back from a week at Girl's Camp with 22 amazing girls from my church and wanted to share with you some of the fun and yummy recipes that we had while we were "roughing it".
One of the sweet 12 year old's brought some of her family's favorite recipes and this was one of them! I wish I had thought to take pictures of our food while there but honestly I was a little busy trying to keep meal time under control. I have pics of the preparation and lots of the eating but I try to minimize posting pictures of other people's children. Since I won't post those pics I had to recreate in our kitchen. I know my husband didn't mind being the taste tester!
Sunny's Fake CrepesNutella
Whipped Cream (which is not pictured because it was hanging out in the fridge)

Spread some Nutella on the tortilla, then sprinkle a
FEW marshmallows (when they melt they spread) on top
(do not be overzealous like the person typing this entry, it makes for a big gooey mess, trust me on this!).
Place on a heated griddle (a frying pan works well too). We used a cast iron griddle on a propane stove while camping. Heat until tortilla is slightly toasty and marshmallows have softened. About one minute on each side.

Garnish with whipped cream and sliced strawberries! Enjoy!
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