We love good food in our home. I love to cook and bake for my family. I have shared recipes and pictures of our yummy goodness on different venues. Many have suggested a blog to share the recipes.

*DISCLAIMER* I am not a professional cook, photographer or writer!

I will always try to give credit for recipes. Many I have collected over the years off of TV, various websites, friends and family.

Please leave comments if you try a recipe or share variations of things I post, I always love learning new tricks of the trade.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Refrigerator Pickles

These pickles are a huge favorite in our home. My 10-year old will just pull the half gallon jar out and sit with a fork and just eat.

I found this recipe here, last summer and it's a great one!

One clean, sterilized jar and lid

One 8-10" cucumber
Small white onion cut into slices
Several sprigs of dill or 1-2 tsp dry dill (I've used both and both work well)
3-5 cloves of garlic, peeled.

Layer your jar with 3-5 cucumber slices*, a couple of onion slices, a garlic clove, and a sprig of dill. Repeat the layers, filling the jar. The goal is to get all the flavors layered in against one another.

2/3 cup of water
2/3 cup of vinegar
2/3 cup of sugar
2 teaspoons of coarse salt (Kosher or sea salt both work well).

Stir to blend, and bring to a boil over medium high heat.

Pour brine over your veggies, filling up to about 1/2 inch from the top. Put lid on, and flip jar. Allow to cool, and store in the fridge.

*If you like crunchy pickles (like Claussen's) then you'll want to chill the cucumbers first in ice water for a few hours.

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